Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Easter Island Part 2

Anakena Beach

One of the few ahu with moai replaced

The moai have long thin alien-like fingers. Sam's belief is that aliens moved the moai.

The moai are not just heads. They are carved all the way to below their butts!

We encountered one RapaNui preparing for the Tapati festival beginning at the end of the week. 

The moai of Tongariki  were knocked over then the moai and the ahu were all pushed inland by a tsunami. The ahu and moai were restored by Chile and Japan. The moai in the front is known as the traveling moai. He is the only one who has left the island when he visited Japan.

The moai were carved facing up. Their backs were cut loose and they were slid down the mountain and into a hole so they could stand upright. Their backs were carved then they were walked to their homes. The eyes were carved and white coral placed in the sockets after they were raised to the ahu.

Seeing these make me believe the story that a witch brought the moai to life so they could walk miles over hills and rocks to reach their ahus. The witch became angry one day when someone forgot to share a lobster dinner with her. She stopped all moai where they stood. 

This is the only kneeling moai.

A moai being carved

The drink of Chile, Pisco Sour 

Can't get any fresher than this! The chef left the kitchen when the fisherman arrived with his catch. The chef walked into the ocean, cleaned the fish and placed it in the frying pan. We liked the chef's coat paired with a bathing suit!

This is the only moai with coral eyes replaced.

Site of the yearly Birdman competition.

The birdman competitors had to swim to the farthest island, collect the first sooty turn egg, return to the main island with the egg and scale the cliff. 

Most shopping is done at the street market.

Our view from our porch

Triathlon Day, the first sporting event of Tapani

The first part is paddling on reed boats

Followed by running around the lake with banana bunches

and another half lap around the rim of the volcano

Followed by a swim.

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